Executive Puppy Program

  • Solid Foundations

    Complete 12 weeks of puppy classes.

    Reward: a gift box of family-favorite treats and chews.

  • New Handler

    Step into the conformation ring or sporting launch.

    Reward: First two entry fees are on us!

  • Body

    Complete CHIC

    Reward: OFA Fees Reimbuursed

  • Mind

    Complete AKC Canine Good Citizenship or AKC Trick Dog or Puppy Star or Fit Dog


    $75 value gift card to a pet supply retailer of your choice.

    All 4: $200 value gift card to a pet supply retailer of your choice or reimbursement of testing fees.

  • Explore

    Complete one of the following:

    Earn a title in more than one venue.

    Conformation (AKC, UKC, ICKC, or IBACA), Agility, Dock Diving, Scent Work, SARS, Disc, Flyball, PSA, IGP, etc.

    Reward: Custom show lead, fancy collar, or sport equipment of your choice up to a $300 value.

  • Proficient

    Earn an advance title in one or more venue.

    Conformation, Barn Hunt, Agility, Dock Diving, Scent work, SARS, Disc, Flyball, PSA, IGP, Rally, Obedience, ect.

    Reward: Ruffland Crate or equipment up to $500 in value.

  • Grand Championship

    Complete one of the Following:

    Earn a IGP2 or IGP3

    Earn a IPO2 or IPO3

    Earn a Grand Champion title

    Earn an equivalent sports title

    Reward: Professional Photography Session or Painting on Canvas

  • Executive

    Complete the Entire Program!

    Reward: We would be honored to present to you a new puppy to begin a new adventure!